Nano-Glass Mid-term check meeting

Nano-Glass’ Mid-term check meeting took place on 3rd of June at ICFO. The Project Officer (PO) from the European Research Executive Agency (REA) had the opportunity to meet face-to-face for the first time with a large part of the consortium members, including the four Early Stage Researchers (ESR) of nao-Glass project.

The purpose of the meeting was, according to NanoGlass’ PO, Dra. Cristina Cullell-March, “to get to know each other, specially the ESRs” and to ensure that the first steps of the project, such as the recruitment, welcoming and the training period of the ESR, went well.
The PO opened the meeting with her presentation focused in part on the general MSCA-ITN-EID rules and the fellow’s and beneficiaries’ rights and obligations.
Afterwards, the ICREA Professor at ICFO and coordinator of the project, Valerio Pruneri, summarized the progress of the project that started one year ago. Pruneri explained the motivation of the initiative and some of the expected outputs and possible practical applications of the four Individual Research Projects (IRPs).
Later, it was the turn of the ESRs to present themselves and their respective IRPs, explaining their main research goals, initial results and the next short and mid-term steps. The ESRs also reported to the PO the experience acquired during their six-months training period.

After that, Iliyan Karadzhov, Susana Plascencia, Davide Rizzotti and Alessia Mezzadrelli, the four  ESRs of the Nano-Glass project had the opportunity to hold a private meeting with the PO.
In the final part of the meeting, there was an open table discussion where the PO gave her positive feedback on the project’s progress to the consortium members.
Once the session finished, the PO had the opportunity to visit the ICFO’s laboratories and facilities guided by Valerio Pruneri.