NANO-GLASS team members at CARLA Camp 2022
NANO-GLASS early-stage researchers, Alessia Mezzadrelli (ESR2) and Davide Rizzotti (ESR3), and project’s coordinator, Valerio Pruneri, participated in the 2022 edition of CARLA Camp, which took place on the 1st and 2nd of December at ICFO.
Alessia Mezzadrelli was one of the more than 180 registered participants who attended the two-day-event scheduled talks. Meanwhile, Davide Rizzotti collaborated actively in the development of the event by showing the Quantum sources and communication (L103) laboratory, where he has spent long hours this last year, during the guided tour of the ICFO’s labs on the second day of the Carla Camp. “It’s been a pleasure to explain my work to other students and researchers and see their interest and enthusiasm for quantum applications!”, said Rizzotti.

Alessia Mezzadrelli during one of the breaks of CARLA Camp. (Image: Judith Salvador)
Davide and Alessia were not the only NANO-GLASS partners involved in this year’s edition of Carla Camp. The project’s coordinator, ICREA Professor at ICFO Valerio Pruneri, was one of the invited panelists in the session entitled “Photonics for society: Health, Quantum, Energy and beyond“. Pruneri’s talk was focused on presenting the European quantum landscape and initiatives.

Davide Rizzotti during the guided labtour at ICFO facilities. (Image: Judith Salvador)

NANO-GLASS project coordinator, Valerio Pruneri, was one of the CARLA Camp panelists. (Image: ICFO | CARLA | R. Josa)
CARLA Camps are a series of events organized by the H2020 project CARLA in 10 different countries. These camps are aimed at offering a wide overview of the existing professional opportunities and paths in the photonics field. The CARLA camps target an audience of young researchers composed of undergraduate students, Master’s students, PhD students, and early-stage postdocs.