Information and communication technology is at the core of our modern society. Countless times every day, we use our smart phones, tablets, devices, television screens, laser projection panels or implement internet services for bank transactions or for the transmission of sensitive data. As the market in this area grows and data analysis and transmission increase in giant leaps, there is a real need to be able to display data more efficiently and share information in a more secure way.

NANO-GLASS is a Marie Slodowska Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) focused on glass materials and their nano structuring. This project is aimed at developing advanced innovative glass screens, through disruptive nano-structuring design and methods, for improved information displays as well as new optical fibres for communication security.

NANO-GLASS ITN will train four PhD students (Early Stage Researchers-ESR) in glass materials science and nano-photonics. These ESRs will be involved in four different research projects which will be carried out in state-of-the-art academic and industrial facilities. During this process, the students will learn about the most advanced nanotechnology and, optical and photonics techniques and methods and apply them to create the next generation of glass display screens and optical fibres.

Project overview

  • Full title: Nano-structured glass for future display and communications technologies
  • Starting date: March 2021
  • Duration: 48 months
  • Coordination: ICFO
  • Grant agreement: 956419

Our research programme

The NANO-GLASS research programme comprises four individual research projects (IRP) each assigned to a different ESR and bridge academic (fundamental) research and product (industrial) development.

All the projects also aim to answer fundamental scientific and technical questions about glass and its nano-processing limitations, surface physics and quantum physics in solid state materials.


Multifunctional surfaces for display screens


Electro-optically tunable surfaces for projection screens


Quantum photon generators and processors for secure communication


Waveguide Quantum memories for secure storage

Our training goals

Our research and training programme also aims to

Train the Ph.D. students on the most advanced nano-technology techniques for the next-generation glass display screens and optical fibres

Provide the Ph.D. students with a research-intensive, multidisciplinary training programme that provides extensive learning experiences in academic and industrial environments.

Complement the scientific and technical formation of the ESRs with an intensive professional and career-development programme.