NANO-GLASS hosts its first workshop on “Integrated Devices for Quantum Communication and Processing”

NANO-GLASS project organized its first workshop, entitled “Integrated Devices for Quantum Communication and Processing,” on February 16th. The event was held in person at Corning Incorporated’s global research and development facility, Sullivan Park, located in New York state (USA). The event was also streamed online, attracting nearly 50 participants.

The workshop was designed to provide an overview of the latest advances in integrated fiber devices for quantum technologies.
Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the research conducted by senior researchers and progress made by the two of the NANO-GLASS Early Stage Researhers (ESRs), Davide Rizzotti and Susana Plascencia. The ESRs’ presentations highlighted the advances in the field of quantum applications and significance of their PhD projects.

NANO-GLASS team members at Corning after the workshop. From top to bottom: Todd St Clair and Prantik Mazumder; Valerio Pruneri and Karl Koch; Judith Salvador Herena,and Stuart Gray; Alessia Medrazzelli; Davide Rizzotti and Susana Plascencia.(Picture: Corning)

The symposium began with an opening address by the project coordinator, Valerio Pruneri, ICREA professor at ICFO, who provided a brief summary of the project, its structure and main goals.
The workshop featured five speakers, including Eleni Diamanti, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) research director at the LIP6 laboratory of Sorbonne University in Paris, Leticia Tarruell, ICREA professor at ICFO, and Dan Nolan, corporate fellow at Corning.
Eleni Diamanti, the first speaker, discussed the development stages and potential applications of quantum networks, including Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), quantum cryptography and quantum internet. Leticia Tarruell, then, gave a presentation on quantum simulation systems, focusing on the use of cold atoms in optical lattices to model many body phenomena. Finally, Dan Nolan reviewed possibilities in using special fibres with specific principal modes for high dimensional quantum communications.

An screenshot of the Leticia’s Tarruell presentation.

Two ESRs from the NANO-GLASS project, Davide Rizzotti (ESR3) and Susana Plascencia (ESR4), who are currently carrying out their secondments at Corning, also presented their respective PhD projects and related results achieved so far. Davide’s presentation was centered on fiberized quantum photon generators and processors, focusing in particular on quantum sources in fiber, while, Susana Plascencia focused her talk on quantum memories based on fiber materials that could be integrated in the current telecommunication networks .
“We are very pleased with the outcomes of this workshop and look forward to continuing to promote collaboration between our ESRs and senior researchers, discuss the latest advances of the scientific research in the field and foster new idees,” said Valerio Pruneri.
There will be a second workshop scheduled, focused on display screens , which is expected to be held at ICFO in the near future.

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